Tag: #dtla blog

Made In The 80s

By gonzalez-girlz | August 13, 2015

This 80s girl is all about self expression! Lately I’ve become obsessed with novelty apparel because it’s a loud voice to the world without even saying anything. There are phrases and nicknames all over shoes and

Flower Power

By gonzalez-girlz | August 12, 2015

Stay nice and cool this summer in bright whites and a 90s style sports bra. You will feel chic, easy, and polished. The 90s sports bra is coming back with a bang! In the 90s, you would essentially style it with

Guess Who? Tom Or Jerry

By gonzalez-girlz | August 11, 2015

I grew up watching those classic cartoons like Tom and Jerry, where that feisty duo started that infamous cat and mouse game. When I saw a vintage staple that was nostalgic of my childhood, I snatched in right

Austrian Flavor

By gonzalez-girlz | August 10, 2015

Welcome to Bier Beisl! This DTLA Hotspot is the newest edition to the Spring Arcade. Chef Bernard Mairinger is dishing up authentic Austrian flavor, and I had the pleasure of meeting the man behind this

Urge For Sweetness

By gonzalez-girlz | August 9, 2015

I was out running errands and had the urge for something sweet, and a cute little gelato shop caught my eye! Pazzo Gelato is a great place to pop in for something tasty in a cone, located inside FIGat7th. I had the

In The Presence Of Historical Fashion!

By gonzalez-girlz | August 8, 2015

I was recently invited to a fundraising event at the FIDM museum! They held a fabulous launch party for the preservation of historical fashion. The event was curated by the passionate and knowledgable, Kevin Jones, and I was absolutely blown away to have had the opportunity to be in the presence of true fashion

Public Enemy

By gonzalez-girlz | August 7, 2015

I’ve never done well with authority and rules. I always fought against the norm and it drove my parents

Pump Up The Volume

By gonzalez-girlz | August 6, 2015

The one inspiration I can’t live without is music! That’s when it all started for me, and everything became a little more alive and a lot more deep. I’m not sure if it feels the same way for everyone else, but it always

Girlz Of Zummer

By gonzalez-girlz | August 5, 2015

It truly is the Summer for Girls! This summer has brought out the fun in fashion, with so many playful styles to choose from. I fell in love with the overalls this summer, which are all designed so differently from

It’s A Must!

By gonzalez-girlz | August 4, 2015

If you haven’t been to the Must, then you “MUST” try this DTLA hotspot! Chef Claudio is young and insanely passionate about his food. I had the pleasure of meeting the man behind all the flavors. He finds it important to buy locally, making sure all meat is fresh and used to the fullest, no

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